Join the gold rush

Goldmine Gummies is a new premium edible cannabis brand aiming to stand out in the crowded California market. Pushing back on outdated stereotypes and imagery, Goldmine uses nostalgia to create a colourful, bright and playful experience for their customers. Through Web design, Animation and Frontend development, we worked closely with Robot Food to bring their brand identity and packaging to life across all digital platforms.


Goldmine Gummies


Digital Design / Motion

Branding & Packaging:

Robot Food

Mobile layout

Taking cues from the flavour and effects of each product, we brought the range to life through animation - from the floaty strawberry Anti-gravity to the energetic waltermelon Mastermind. Each pack was supported by a layered collage to bring customers into the world of each product and turn imagination into sales.

All products page
Product page

We designed an ecommerce website as energetic and wild as the packaging itself, with colourful and chunky styling that made the shopping experience fast and fun. Building a slick front end experience full of charming moments, we worked with the client’s backend team to fully integrate this into their cross-brand platform.

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